The Belfast Wren Boys
The Belfast Wren Boys were founded to promote the tradition of indigenous mumming. The Belfast Wren Boys perform shows for every age group based on the native traditions of this country. Our performers are very versatile and skilled in a wide range of art forms. They can tailor performances to suit audiences of any age group, background and ability according to need. They perform in Irish, English or bilingually. The Belfast Wren Boys have a lot of experience working with schools, community groups, festivals, care homes, hospitals, museums and theaters. They have performed throughout Ireland and the world.
The group works in the medium of the ancient house visiting tradition of the Wren Boys. They celebrate the Celtic festivals and keep the ancient rituals alive. They are proud to promote and continue the mumming tradition of the Wren Boys in Belfast and beyond.
Bunaíodh Cleamairí Feirste leis an traidisiún cleamaireachta dúchasach a chur chun cinn. Bíonn Cleamairí Feirste ag déanamh drámaí bunaithe ar sheanchas na tíre seo. Is siamsóirí ildánach iad. Is féidir leo seónna a dhéanamh a bheas oiriúnach do ghach aois grúpa, gach cúlra agus ábaltacht de réir riachtanais. Déanann siad seónna i nGaeilge, Béarla nó go dátheangach. Tá a lán taithí ag na siamsóirí ag obair le scoileanna, grúpaí pobail, féiltí, tithe altramais, otharlanna, iarsmalanna, amharclanna. Tá seónna déanta acu fud fad na hÉireann agus an domhain.
Oibríonn an grúpa sa traidisiún ársa cuairtíocht tí de chuid lucht an dreoilín . Bíonn siad ag ceiliúradh na féiltí Ceilteacha agus coinníonn na deasghnáthanna ársa beo. Tá siad bródúil traidisíun na gcleamairí agus lucht an dreoilín a leanstan agus a chur chun cinn i mBéal Feirste agus anonn.